Cuelebre helped one of the biggest Nordic customers to offload all the banking transaction data from the mainframe to Kafka to take rapid decisions and to serve all the downstream systems as well as the digital enrolment of the customer part.

In the era of digitalization, real-time streaming data is of utmost importance to all digital platforms and core banking systems to have more fault tolerant and to process the data in real-time to take actions rapidly.
- We build event-driven distributed architecture to support various business cases like digital customer enrollment and offloading mainframe events to Kafka.
- Mainframe offload helped to streamline the core banking data into Kafka, and it supports further microservices and domain-based design architecture.
- Decouple the account booking process and enrolment, the alert process by utilizing Confluent Kafka’s publish-subscribe model.
- The account booking process will be more efficient and not require extra time for enrolment and customer communication.
- Account booking events will be available in the Kafka infrastructure for consumption for other consumers, such as reporting if required.
- Besides enrolment, account booking alerts such as welcome alerts, initial funding alerts, and exception alerts are generated by streaming booking information over to a centralized Confluent Kafka Alerting platform.
- Predictability of low latencies to provide certainty in uncertain operating conditions. This translates to <65 ms round trip latency for the 99th percentile.
- Message ordering, guaranteed delivery, and exactly-once semantics are ensured, from the moment a message is published in confluent Kafka to all the way delivery to the consumer.
- Fault tolerance at regional and global levels so we can survive multiple failures without outages, 99.999999% message survivability for instance, and data center failure.
- The account booking process will be more efficient and not require extra time for enrolment and customer communication.